
Showing posts from May, 2023

Finn Harvor: Bio and contact

  “Literature needs new forms; it needs to adapt to new media.” * YouTube links (selected): Greening Korea: From Hadong Three Tragedies, Four Seasons   It’s All Gonna Crash  * Linked sites: The Authorial Moviepoem  Finn Harvor: Documentaries  Richard and Finn Harvor’s Moviepoems The Highly Illustrated Movie Narrative  Award-winning artist, writer, musician, filmmaker. Articles in many journals including the Brooklyn Rail and Canadian Notes and Queries. Have presented to academic conferences in Oxford, Bath, Liverpool, Berlin, Seoul, Osaka, and elsewhere. Selected by festivals in Korea, Ireland, the U.K., the US, China (Hong Kong), Kazakhstan, Australia, Greece, Pakistan, Serbia, Portugal, Germany, Ukraine, Russia, and India. I'm particularly interested in the following themes: nature and the anthropocene, addiction and family dynamics (my late brother's story), technology and contemporary war, and the nature of love. I usually make videopoems that I t...

Why do mass shooters kill?

 More to follow.

Market Alive III


At the Hadong tea festival (healing tent)


The Trumpster


Hadong/ 하동


비오는 날/ Rainy day in Korea


Greening Korea: Early Jangma?

 Greening Korea: Early Jangma? Full video at YouTube: via @YouTube.  #globalwarming #ClimateChange #Korea.  Clip.  It’s very rainy today in S Korea. But the traditional pattern is that the big rains start in the June, during Jangma. In short: the climate in NE Asia is changing.